Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Canticle for Leibowitz

This was a pretty cool science fiction book that received mixed reviews in its time and has gone on to become a classic. It's post-apocalyptic but this was before it became a cliche since this was written in 1959. The four stories are concerned with the writings of a saint named Leibowitz. They're all very different stories though. I have to say the last part Fiat Voluntas Tua was a page turner for me. It was about a nuclear fallout and the fight between a doctor and a priest for the destruction it caused. It was very against euthanasia, a controversial topic. I think it made its argument well. The author didn't write much after this becoming a recluse which I think makes this book even more fascinating. This isn't your standard bestseller. This is one that actually has thought to it.

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