Saturday, January 2, 2021

A Wrinkle in Time


This book deserves so much more. A better movie definitely but also more recognition. Yes, it's one of the most beloved children's books of the past 50 years. Yet there's a snobbery involved with adult books as if adult content all of a sudden makes a book more mature and considerate of praise.  This book is complicated using scientific concepts like a fifth dimension but it also has interesting characters. Meg meets three eccentric women Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which who aid her in finding her lost father. I really liked reading about the planet where all the children have to play their balls in sync. It was creepy so was the takeover of Meg's brother Charles. This book is unique. I feel in general that children's books have improved over the years but still you rarely find a book as stellar as A Wrinkle in Time and I'm going to reread the trilogy again.  Also, this was the book that the gifted children read in the fourth grade of my elementary school again. I never bothered with it. I figured that I would just fail because of my mathematical skills but at least they chose a great book to match the kids. 

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