This combines two works that Borges did in 1975 and 1983. I've been reading a bit of Borges lately mostly because I read a fascinating autobiography on him. The stories I liked the most were "The Other" and "August 25, 1983". Both of those stories have the same concept. An older version of Jorge meets a younger one. I wonder sometimes what I would have to say to a younger version of myself. Would I warn myself of trials ahead? (But then I would probably be a coward to accept the trials or be horrified.) What kind of advice would I give? They are stories that make you think. I was disappointed in "Blue Tigers." The first thing I read by him was "The Book of Imaginary Beings" and he had an interesting section on blue tigers. The story starts out about blue tigers but then becomes a story about stones. That's not what I wanted. Someone should write a short story on them.
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