Saturday, May 28, 2022

A Lesson Before Dying


This was a great book about friendship. It's about an atheist teacher Grant who befriends a prisoner in jail about to go to the electric chair. Grant teaches at an elementary school. You get the impression he is working beneath himself that he is taking the only opportunity he has in that racist era. He comes across as quite intelligent. I like how his atheism isn't magically transformed by the end like I thought it was going to be. Religion is discussed though especially through the Reverend character. This book was pretty moving and definitely worth a read. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Death Notebooks


This is basically Anne Sexton talking about God. Cynicism and faith are battled against each other. I found the opening poem "Gods" the best where Anne searches for God and finds him at her house. I've read Anne Sexton's biography by Diane Middlebrook and a couple of Anne's books. I didn't know that Anne Sexton had a religious side. This was a nice surprise. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022



This was another poetry collection yet again mostly about nature. Ted Hughes is ok, but he hasn't really stood the test of time well. I feel like he was kind of a one trick pony. I'm curious about Birthday Letters but I probably won't read more of him.